John Denver Death Date

John Denver Death Date: October 12, 1997

  • Date of birth: December 31, 1943
  • Place of birth: Roswell, NM (United States)
  • Date of death: October 12, 1997 (aged 53)
  • Place of death: Monterey Bay, CA (United States)
  • Cause of death: Plane crash

When did John Denver die?

When Did John Denver Die

John Denver is one of the most beloved American singers and songwriters of all time. He wrote and recorded many hits, including “Take Me Home Country Road”, “Rocky Mountain High”, and “Annie’s Song”. He was a music legend whose voice resonated with millions around the world. Sadly, he passed away on October 12th, 1997 in a tragic plane accident near Monterey Bay, California.

John Denver had obtained his pilot license just four years before this tragedy, but still managed to log 1,000 flight hours over that period. On a fateful day, he took off from an airport in Pacific Grove, California at 4:30 pm in his Long-EZ aircraft. Unbeknownst to John, the fuel tank was empty and after about 20 minutes in-flight the engine ran out of fuel. John attempted to reach an airport at Monterey Bay but, sadly, the plane ultimately crashed into the Pacific Ocean.

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